Dreams and Reality


Canada has been a haven of safety for millions of people who would otherwise not be alive if their ancestors hadn’t fled their countries of origin. Even today, arriving on Canadian shores is a dream for many refugees. However, the reality for the original residents has been different. They have had to adjust and survive the arrival of those millions.

The rediscovery of graveyards at Indian Residential Schools have revealed the reality of aspects of Canada’s history that most Canadians have either simply not realized or actively ignored. Coming to terms with this reality is necessary for Canada. Facing up to the harms caused by the Indian Act, and the Residential School system that came out of it, then the coverup of the abuses that occurred there does not mean the death of a dream for a better country, but rather it is the reality of becoming a better, more mature country.

Let’s not be afraid of facing reality. Let’s not allow that reality to kill the dreams of every Canadian, whether Indigenous or first generation.



Children are Vulnerable


Finding Beauty in PG